
Mainly reference-style material about the OTL. Also included is support for those involved in OT-150 activities.

Key Dates

Significant dates related to the funding, staffing and building of the Overland Telegraph Line.


Recently created short-form articles, essays and other texrual material on topics of OT interest
News Articles Significant Newspaper Articles printed in 1870-72 relating to the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line. Monographs Historic and contemporary essays, speeches, conference proceedings, etc. on topics relating to the OT and telegraphy in general. Radiograms Radio interviews, podcasts, videos, newsletters, brochures, websites and other materials either generated during OT-150 or available for reference.
Overland Telegraph 150th Anniversary 1872-2022
Key Dates Significant dates related to the funding, staffing and building of the the Overland Telegraph Line.


Recently created short-form articles, essays and other texrual material on topics of OT interes.
News Articles Significant Newspaper Articles printed in 1870-72 relating to the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line. Monographs Historic and contemporary essays, speeches, conference proceedings, etc. on topics relating to the OT and telegraphy in general.


Radio interviews, podcasts, videos, newsletters, brochures, websites and other materials either generated during OT-150 or available for reference.


Mainly reference-style material about the OTL. Also included is support for those involved in OT-150 activities.
Overland Telegraph 150th Anniversary 1872-2022