The OT-150 initiative is commited to generating new
research and communications about the construction of
the Overland Telegraph Line, the people who built it, its
operations and the impacts it had on Australia. These will
build through the year as topic experts turn their minds to
the task. In addition, seminal documents of the times,
written by witnesses of the OT are included. Collected
here will be a timeless collection of reference material for
those who wish to learn more. OT-150 is committed to
publishing in a single book (with downloadable PDF) as
much of this collection as possible. In this way it will
become part of our library system and thus remain
discoverable, accessible and future-proofed long after the
Sesquicentenary activities are over.
Recently created short-form articles,
essays and other texrual material on
topics of OT interes.
Radio interviews, podcasts, videos,
newsletters, brochures, websites and
other materials either generated during
OT-150 or available for reference.
Mainly reference-style material about the
OTL. Also included is support for those
involved in OT-150 activities.